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Honey Hot Cocoa

Honey Hot Cocoa

Honey Hot Cocoa

5 Minutes
1 Serving


Hot Cocoa

  • 3 cups dairy-free milk
  • 2 tbsp raw cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp Wedderspoon Manuka Honey
  • 3 tsp organic vanilla extract

Manuka Honey Marshmallows

  • 1 cup water, divided
  • 3 tbsp grass-fed gelatin
  • 1 cup Wedderspoon Manuka Honey
  • 2 tsp organic vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp organic ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot starch or organic powdered sugar


    Hot Cocoa

    1. Add milk to a medium size saucepan and heat over low heat for about seven minutes or until it reaches desired temperature.
    2. In a small bowl, combine Wedderspoon Manuka Honey, cocoa and vanilla extract to make a paste. Add the cocoa mixture to the warm milk and stir until combined. Serve in a cute mug topped with our marshmallows and enjoy!

    Manuka Honey Marshmallows

    1. Line an 8×8 (or larger) pan with unbleached parchment paper in both directions (so you can easily lift up the marshmallows after they set). In a small bowl, combine cinnamon and arrowroot starch; stir to combine. Evenly distribute half of this mixture over the bottom of this pan and set aside.
    2. Assemble a standing mixer and set up the mixing bowl and whisk attachment. Add 1/2 cup water to the bowl and sprinkle the gelatin over the water. Let this sit.
    3. In a medium size sauce pan (with high edges) add 1/2 cup water, honey, vanilla extract and sea salt. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat. Stir constantly as the mixture will start to bubble and get foamy as the temperature goes up. Stir to keep it from overflowing. Simmer until it reaches about 240 degrees. If you’re not using a candy thermometer, this will take about eight minutes. Remove from heat at this point.
    4. With the mixer on low, SLOWLY and carefully drizzle the hot honey mixture in a thin, continuous stream down the side of the bowl. This should take about two minutes.
    5. Turn the mixer to high and continue beating until mixture becomes thick, glossy and has increased in volume (about 15 minutes).
    6. Turn off the mixer and transfer marshmallow fluff to the lined pan. Using a spatula, evenly distribute and smooth the top. Dust the top of the marshmallow fluff with the remaining cinnamon-arrowroot mixture. Let the marshmallows sit at room temperature to set for at least eight hours (overnight is best).
    7. Once they’re set, remove by lifting the parchment paper flaps. Set on a flat surface or cutting board. Carefully remove the parchment paper from the sides of the marshmallows, slowly. Use a large chef’s knife to cut marshmallows into desired size.
    Makes about 25 (1 inch) marshmallows.